Why Choose Online Personal Training?
Why Choose Online Personal Training?
If you needed to repair your car you’d use mechanic to ensure a good job is done right?
Similarly if you wanted to get the fastest results learning how to play a musical instrument you’d employ the services of a music teacher.
The same rule applies for exercising.
The gym can often be a confusing and intimidating place and it’s easy to waste time doing exercises that will not deliver you the best results.
Exercising can potentially be a particularly injurious endeavour is not done properly. It’s not ‘natural’ to be able to step into a gym and know how to properly train. In itself it is a skill that needs to be practiced and Online Personal Training will accelerate your learning.
Whether you are a complete beginner, someone with some experience of exercise but stuck in a rut or a athlete who wants to maximise their performance online fitness coaching can really be a game changer in the results you get.
Life is busy, especially as you age and take on responsibilities of a family and a higher positioned career. This inevitably will lead to more limited time to exercise and you want to ensure that time is well spent right?
How Online Fitness Coaching Works with me?
I will have an initial consultation with you either online or in person if you are local. We’ll discuss your goals and how we can structure solutions for your particular needs.
From here I will provide you with a questionnaire to get some additional information and then with this I will create a custom training plan for you and also provide nutritional guidance as appropriate.
The training programme will have clear instructional videos linked into it with descriptions and tips on form.
I provide email support at all times to answer your questions, access videos on your exercise form and we’ll have a check up email every 2 weeks to ensure everything is moving forwards.
I also offer one to one direct zoom/teams sessions to trainees who’d like to exercise under my watchful eye.
What makes my Online Fitness Coaching superior?
With 19 years of coaching experience I have bundle load more experience than personal trainers. I have worked with people from a diverse range of backgrounds.
I also have a deep personal experience of transforming my own body with very average genetics and competing nationally in bodybuilding and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I have filtered through figuring out comprehensively what things work and what do not.
I am passionate about delivering a high level of coaching that I would expect were I investing in Online Personal Training.
I will teach you HOW to exercise, not just give you a programme and let you get on with it. I will give you feedback on exercise form and help you refine what you are doing so it delivers you the safest and most effective results.
Your programmes are tailor made to your goals, there are no cookie cutter routines.
I developed an excellent reputation as an online trainer whilst working at Ultimate Performance (UP) for 3 1/2 years, being head of the online department. I initially took over the online training department when it was a mess and turned it around, putting systems & standards in place and leaving clients very satisfied.